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Fetal Digital Radiology

Digital x-rays assist in determining number of fetuses.

Digital radiology is the new conventional film x-ray. Digital x-rays allow us to better determine the size of the litter by providing us with high-quality imaging results and reducing overall radiation exposure. They can capture digital images of both the body and teeth. 

There are multiple benefits to choosing digital x-ray over conventional x-ray including:

  • Images are more accurate and quicker to obtain
  • Retakes are seldom required which limits radiation exposure
  • Imaging results can be sent to other veterinarians and radiologists with ease
  • Records can be stored electronically, so they won’t get damaged or lost

The doctor can measure the size of the mother’s pelvis in comparison to the fetus's skull to evaluate the likelihood of a safe, natural delivery. We require x-rays prior to surgical intervention for delivery. We ask clients to book this appointment at the time of their breeding or at the time of their ultrasound, this will allow availability on our schedule.

If you'd like to discuss x-rays for your dog, reach out to us at (801) 987-3639.

Fetal digital xrays

South Mountain Pet Care